Cart Enhancement for Rental Service

Elevated luxury rentals with a cart system enhancing user engagement and accessibility.

Elevated luxury rentals with a cart system enhancing user engagement and accessibility.

Elevated luxury rentals with a cart system enhancing user engagement and accessibility.


Reebonz, a luxury e-commerce company based in Korea, provides a rental service that enables users to rent luxury goods by date. However, the rental cart only served as a wish list and does not allow for checkout, limiting users' ability to browse and checkout items. After identifying this issue through user monitoring, I proposed and designed a new rental cart process that allows users to seamlessly browse products and check out the items they want in one go. The results were impressive: A 50% increase in user conversion rate and a 20% improvement in product accessibility.

Reebonz, a luxury e-commerce company based in Korea, provides a rental service that enables users to rent luxury goods by date. However, the rental cart only served as a wish list and does not allow for checkout, limiting users' ability to browse and checkout items. After identifying this issue through user monitoring, I proposed and designed a new rental cart process that allows users to seamlessly browse products and check out the items they want in one go. The results were impressive: A 50% increase in user conversion rate and a 20% improvement in product accessibility.

Reebonz, a luxury e-commerce company based in Korea, provides a rental service that enables users to rent luxury goods by date. However, the rental cart only served as a wish list and does not allow for checkout, limiting users' ability to browse and checkout items. After identifying this issue through user monitoring, I proposed and designed a new rental cart process that allows users to seamlessly browse products and check out the items they want in one go. The results were impressive: A 50% increase in user conversion rate and a 20% improvement in product accessibility.


Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer


1 Product Designer
3 Engineers
1 Product Manger

1 Product Designer
3 Engineers
1 Product Manger

1 Product Designer
3 Engineers
1 Product Manger


March 2023 - June 2023
(3 Months)

March 2023 - June 2023
(3 Months)

March 2023 - June 2023
(3 Months)

About Reebonz

Reebonz is a luxury e-commerce start-up in Korea that offers services related to buying, renting, and selling luxury goods.

Reebonz Logo
Reebonz Logo
Reebonz Logo

Personalized Luxury Rentals at Reebonz

Faced with The Challenge of a Limited Cart System

Reebonz offers a unique service called "Rentit" that allows users to rent high-end goods for a period of 3 to 14 days. This service is tailored to fit the desired dates of users, providing a level of personalized luxury rental that is not yet standard in the digital marketplace.


Streamlining Luxury Cart Transactions.

While the shopping cart system was adept at cataloguing users' interests, it failed to facilitate a smooth transactional flow, which is critical to capitalising on users' intent to rent multiple luxury items, thereby impacting overall satisfaction and conversion metrics.


Upgrade Cart System to Allow Multi-Item Rentals in a Single Transaction

To improve Reebonz's cart system functionality, I led a design initiative that focused on user-centric checkout solutions. As the project lead, I was responsible for two crucial enhancements:


Integrated Cart Process

Designed a system that allows for multiple luxury rentals to be processed in a single transaction, meeting the demand for a seamless checkout experience.


Rental Period Preselection for Cart Addition

The cart system has been updated to require users to select rental dates on the product detail page before adding items to the cart.


Immediate Impact: Boosted Conversion and Accessibility

In the first month following implementation, the new system increased user conversion rates by 50% and improved product accessibility by 20%, significantly enhancing the user experience.


Background Research

Identifying unmet user needs

Through direct 1:1 inquiries and NPS surveys, it became clear that many users were looking for a feature that would allow them to add multiple products to the cart and complete the purchase in one transaction.

Understanding User Behavior in Rentals

Analysis of rental payment patterns revealed that 61% of users who ordered multiple items preferred to complete their orders on the same day, while 39% spread their orders over multiple days. This data highlights a clear preference for a streamlined checkout process.

Assessing the Current Cart Functionality

The current cart system, which functions more like a wishlist, hinders user engagement. Users could add items to their cart from the product detail page, but the system redirected them back to the product details instead of proceeding to checkout. The low conversion rate from cart interactions to completed orders, particularly for reserved items, was a significant issue despite high click rates.



User Journey Map

We created a journey map to improve the cart experience for our customers, with a particular focus on the 'Decision' stage. The map goes beyond cart improvement and examines the pre and post-cart phases to establish a seamless rental journey. It helped us identify crucial elements for a smooth flow, considering the perspectives and needs of both users and stakeholders.


To evaluate the effectiveness of the improvements, I formulated two hypotheses that would act as benchmarks for the project's success.

Hypothesis 1

Enabling users to pay for multiple rentals in their cart simultaneously can meet their needs and increase the number of orders completed per day and cart click-through rates.

Hypothesis 2

Allowing users to pay for items with a specified duration directly from the cart can also increase the number of orders placed through the cart and reduce the abandonment rate of rental orders.


Nudging for Enhanced Purchases

Stakeholders expressed a strong interest in incorporating nudges into the shopping cart interface to encourage users to make multiple purchases at once. Specifically, they wanted a feature that would highlight the benefits of renting two or more items, such as additional discounts, as they selected products in the cart.

In response to this request, I worked on several iterations of these nudges, carefully designing them to match the user experience while effectively communicating the incentive for bulk rentals.


Streamlining the Cart Flow

Following the launch of our enhanced rental cart, user interactions revealed a critical friction point in the shopping flow. Users were faced with the inconvenience of re-selecting rental dates when navigating between the cart, product details, and recommended items pages.

To address this, I refined the product detail pages to retain the selected dates. As a result, the Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons at the bottom dynamically updated to display the selected date, the rental price for that period, and provided direct access to the Proceed to Checkout or Add to Cart functions. This customization significantly streamlined the rental process, reducing the number of steps to conversion and improving the overall user experience.

The initial 'As-is' interface displays a 'Select Date' button, prompting users to choose a rental period for each item, leading to a potential repetitive selection process when navigating between cart and product pages.

The 'To-be' version auto-populates the rental date once selected, displaying the total price for the specified period and offers a dual 'Check out' and 'Add to Cart' button for a streamlined shopping experience.



Final Design



The rental cart project highlights the significance of prioritizing the user experience in e-commerce design. I learned that even minor obstacles can greatly impact user satisfaction.

This project showed me the power of user-centered design to drive efficiency and conversions, and confirmed that clear, intuitive interfaces lead to better user experiences and business outcomes.